Monday, August 13, 2012

Operation Dumbo Drop

Here's a fun post about code words and phrases that have been used in the workplace! And, as always, all the examples have happened irl.

Mac 'n' Me - A horrible 'boy meets alien' movie and a phrase at Hollywood Video to signify the presence of a hawt girl while being able to shout it across the store.  "Hey, bro!  Did you, uh, find that copy of Mac 'n' Me over in the, uh, Drama section?"

Hardcore Martinez - A description of a rather trashy individual that we assumed lived in or around the city of Martinez, CA, a small town known for 'tweekers and antiquers'.  "That lady was hella Hardcore Martinez!  She paid for her pictures with a Ziploc baggie of nickels!"

Ghetto Guero - A white person that tries to act like they're from a rough part of town, aka, 'the hood', but is putting on an act for everyone around them.  "Damn!  That chick is one Ghetto Guero!  Her eyebrows are drawn on with a Sharpie and her super white boyfriend in the game section is wearing a FUBU sweatsuit!"

Seven - The number that you pull out of your ass on conference calls when you didn't look up the research and need an accurate sounding statistic.  "Uh... Yeah, so I think we are up about seven percent from last quarter with our conversion rate, you know, give or take a few."

Ruined Christmas - If you read my 'Some Parents Are Asshats' post, you might recall the horrible father who told his daughter "That's it!  You just ruined Christmas!".  So this was a phrase that we'd use in the studio to basically just describe any parent who was being a complete douche to their child.  "Dude, that lady just totally ruined Christmas up in that session!  She told her kid that he was a fag during his senior portraits session!"

Punch a Baby -  A phrase to describe how over-the-top angry you are about something.  "I am so pissed off right now that I could fucking punch a baby!"  Or one that I used the other day, "This day sucks so bad that I wanna use a baby to knock a senior citizen into a paraplegic."

Operation Dumbo Drop - A really bad Disney movie and a phrase used at Hollywood to let everyone know that someone beefed.  "Oh dude, someone totally left a copy of Operation Dumbo Drop over in the kids section.  Stay back!"  (We were classy.)

Crazy Cousin - A stranger doing something that is causing you to be embarrassed for them. You then turn to your co-worker and imply that they are related to said stranger to attempt to cause them shame by comparison.  "Haha!  Tell your grown-ass, crazy cousin that he can't come into the store with cornrows and footie pajamas and sit in the middle of the store watching a movie!"

I've gotta have more of these somewhere in my brain!  Feel free to share your own!

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